You feel optimistic especially when meeting others; you’re relaxed and charming. These are ideal conditions for friendships and creating new ones. You can be adventurous, get out and meet people. At work, your approach to meetings and discussions is productive. In your personal life, you are most in your element when socializing with a group of people.
You’re open and friendly to everyone which makes them appreciative of you and even if you’ve been previously disappointed by someone, they win you over. Try to build on these good relationships and deepen them; they may be of great importance to you in the future and make a positive contribution to whatever it is you want to achieve.
Your openness has the desired effect - you are sensitive and responsive, making friends easily. You feel quite optimistic, confident and keen to get involved, to know more people. Among these new relationships are those that involve romantic possibilities. If you don’t have a partner already, then something new could well be on the horizon.
Looking forward, your outlook is characterized by being a lot less stressful than before, allowing you to enjoy a much needed and welcome break from such hectic times. Use this peaceful period constructively to recover and make sure you spend the time necessary to develop your goal setting strategies for both your short and long-term plans.
You’re a tower of strength, and others look to you for protection and comfort. You patiently find the right words to make unhappy friends smile again. Even though this is reward enough, you need to take time for yourself, spend some time alone, to free yourself from any troublesome emotions or otherwise, have support from somebody too.
Everything you do is likely to turn out well. Colleagues and friends realize you're particularly good at solving problems, and they are pleased to receive any offers of help you make. When free from the exertions of work you need to spend time in your personal life – and experience how your partner responds affectionately towards you.
You interact easily with others, even those you work with are receptive to any ideas you put forward regarding your professional future. This trend continues in your personal life. Even though you have fun meeting new friends. Don't forget existing ones, as they all benefit your well-being. However, you could do with some activity on the fitness front.
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