Involved in many discussions, joint activities and other similar undertakings, your enthusiasm to put your point of view above the opinion of others is seen as rather overbearing and egotistical. This leads to negative and quite harmful differences emerging between you. Be less provocative if you don't want to needlessly fall out with everybody.
It's not what you say but the way that you say it. You're involved in all kinds of talks and must respond appropriately. Even when you feel like speaking the truth or your honest opinion is asked for, choose the words carefully. Conclusions you arrive at are brutally honest and extremely cutting. Avoid acting this way, and conduct conversations diplomatically.
Instinctively you’re able to deal with any situation or crisis talks. In any negotiation, you’re one step ahead of others when stating your point of view. Even the cleverest of opponents find it difficult to put you on the defensive. It’s proper for you to examine your relationships and make some changes that benefit you in the long term.
People are likely to test your nerves, but do not let them. There are those who may be jealous of you and want to make your life difficult. Instead, try listening more carefully. Otherwise, you’ll encounter more friction and feel opposed. If you are tired of conflicting views, then do yourself a power of good and enjoy a relaxing evening and unwind.
You’re being aggressive and if this is a character trait you don't recognize in yourself, you’re going to have to deal with the fact it’s something that occasionally happens. When you feel this way, limit your contact with others to a minimum, preferable people you know and remain calm, a good way to get rid of hostility is with recreational activity.
You’re uncomfortable with being forced to accept certain inconsistencies, feeling they are outside your control, or possibly someone isn't being completely honest in their dealings with you. Have patience, wait until you’re able to connect with others effectively, without disruption, then a compromise solution is likely with no lasting damage caused.
Don’t be surprised if the simplest of conversations lead to misunderstandings. This isn't necessarily your fault, there's possibly something wrong, so try again later. Or indeed if it is your fault and you're being far too obstinate that people are forced to contradict you, rein in your ego somewhat, then others talk to you and respond in a more customary way.
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