In any other circumstances, the clarity of your thoughts and words might lead to your plans being carried out more quickly. In reality, this turns out to be self-defeating, as others find your direct manner offensive, and they challenge you. Choose your words with care and be diplomatic. Any verbal dispute wastes your time and uses up all your energy.
More than capable, you feel an urgent need to set some worthwhile activity in motion. You demand a lot, are insensitive towards other people’s needs - strike a balance; be more considerate with your comments, pay attention to how people react to you, if you resolutely follow these guidelines, you persuade people to willingly participate in your activities.
You long for recognition, and in trying to impress others may exaggerate your abilities. Such conduct has the opposite effect to what you want to achieve. Instead, focus more on being of genuine help to others rather than imposing your opinions so forcefully, without first understanding their wants and needs.
Unexplained tensions abound, so choose your words with care and try to avoid others if you can. Otherwise, you probably say things you later regret and risk alienating friends and acquaintances. Make sure to practice self-restraint. Take a quiet moment and organize your leisure time carefully. By so doing, you avoid taking on too much.
Try to approach things in a relaxed way without getting too wound up about any problems that occur. Ignore the urge to blame others for any misfortune; this is very disruptive to your relationships. Perhaps you need to take the time to look for other reasons for your bad luck. Don't get into arguments; you tend to say things you later come to regret.
Confronted with challenges that put you under more pressure than usual, it’s advisable to remain in the background, instead of taking responsibility for everything. This helps you, above all in your work, to save energy for the really important things. Think also about your health, it's beneficial to conserve energy rather than being utterly worn out.
Although tempting, don't take on too much, concentrate instead on those matters most important to you. Otherwise, you run the risk of being overwhelmed. If you decide to tackle something new, be open and invite others to help you. Success is likely if you focus your energies and do not let yourself be sidetracked by problems that aren’t your concern.
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