You're extremely quick-tempered and once angered you react unfairly towards the people you encounter. You appear to be overly stressed, and needlessly show your annoyance over the slightest of things. Hold back and refrain from reacting so impulsively. If you can't manage to control your feelings adequately, then postpone important decisions until much later.
Whatever you do, you do it in a relaxed way, enjoying every minute and it doesn't seem like work at all! Other people want to be around you to share in your enthusiasm; you're fun to be with and help them forget everyday worries with your easy-going attitude. You also find their company pleasant and enjoyable too, because they make you feel special.
Imaginative thoughts race through your mind, and you’ can easily convey clearly, newly formulated ideas to other people. Family, friends or your partner can be of support as discussions or specific suggestions you receive turn out well and prove to be worthwhile.
Any effort you make comes naturally, and in your private life, the activities and inclinations you indulge in are enjoyable and satisfying. Although content with your friends and those close to you, if you’re single, you may benefit from the more promising attention and understanding of someone you currently find irresistibly attractive.
Anyone who hears what you say notices how good you are with words and is impressed enough to follow your lead, safe in the knowledge that you have the success of all concerned in mind. The power that you wield is not what motivates you, preferring to be popular and ensure a successful outcome for the team is far more appealing.
Don't be surprised if your partner pays you compliments for no apparent reason, or if you are single; you get far more attention than you normally expect. Others find you more captivating and alluring than ever, and this enables you to flirt outrageously. Your instincts are strong and draw you towards opportunities which ultimately result in success.
People love your cheerful and exuberant outlook. Consequently, you feel relaxed around others and treat them like old friends. You’re interested in everyone's life – seeing them smile is your greatest satisfaction. Keep as many of your contacts going as you can; you never know what ultimately transpires as a result.
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